Rating Valuations
QV is trusted by more councils than any other rating valuation provider. Working together, we help deliver services to your local community.
What is a rating value?
Rating valuations are usually carried out on all New Zealand properties every three years. They are just one of a number of factors that councils use to allocate rates. They reflect the likely selling price of a property at the effective revaluation date, not including chattels (e.g. curtains and appliances), and are not designed to be used for raising finance or as insurance valuations.
The Revaluation Process
Step One
We begin the rating valuation process by analysing and understanding the local market. We inspect a wide sample of local sales data, and then set market value levels for different types of property – including everything from schools and libraries, to residential and commercial property.
Step Two
Then we carry out targeted physical inspections of key property types, as well as any areas of high land-use changes. We need to make sure that our information is timely and accurate.
Step Three
Our cutting-edge technology allows us to take all that information we have acquired and accurately value properties en masse. Individual worksheets are assessed for rural, large institutions and business-use properties.
Step Four
Now we double- and triple-check the accuracy of our values by conducting statistical and thematic mapping to track values and inspect any anomalies. The individual handcrafting of values and further physical inspections may be required.
Rules & regulations
Following that process, the rating values are independently audited by the Office of the Valuer General (OVG). Rigorous quality standards need to be met before the new valuations will be confirmed.
Click here for further information on the valuation legislation.
Click here for further information on the OVG rules and guidelines.
Managing objections
If you disagree with the rating valuation on your property, please give us a call to discuss it on 0800 787 284. Often issues can be resolved without issuing a formal objection.
Step One
To object to a council rating value, please search for your valuation reference or street address and click ‘Next’ to be taken to the objection form. Please note that you must complete this process on or before the date shown on your notice of valuation.
Step Two
Complete the online form to lodge your objection. If you provide an email address, a confirmation email will be sent to you. Please retain that email or print the confirmation page as proof you have lodged your objection. If you need assistance, please give our revaluation team a call on 0800 787 284.
Step Three
Once a valid objection has been lodged in the system, you will receive a letter of acknowledgement within 10 working days and your objection will be referred to a valuer for re-consideration. This will include an external inspection of the property, and if necessary, an internal one too.
Ongoing roll maintenance
The ongoing maintenance of the district valuation roll is essential to keep the property values and data up to date and is the cornerstone of the revaluation process. We have a robust roll maintenance process to capture all property updates, including building consents and subdivisions.