QV launches new online rating value objection platform
Technology is bringing a new level of ease and transparency to the rating value objection process.
Aotearoa New Zealand’s most trusted rating valuation provider Quotable Value (QV) has unveiled a new online system to streamline the registering of objections to councils’ latest rating values. It will also provide users with a fully detailed new electronic report – understood to be the first of its kind in Australasia – that they can download via a secure link on QV.co.nz.
QV chief operating officer David Nagel said the transparency of how a rating revaluation objection is processed has always been a key focus for the business. “We want every New Zealander to have full confidence in the rating valuation process and knowledge of what their valuation is based on.”
“Following discussions with the regulator, our new and improved online objection system will make the process much simpler for people. It will now only take five minutes to complete due to pre-populated data about the property they’re logging an objection for, which they’ll also have an opportunity to verify as they go,” he said.
“Later, once an objection is completed by one of our valuers, we’ll provide residential property owners who lodged their objection online with an enhanced report that includes all of the property’s details, as well as photos and comparable sales used in determining the value.”
“Being able to object is an essential, democratic part of any revaluation, but it needn’t be a painful process,” Mr Nagel said.
QV is trusted by more councils in Aotearoa New Zealand than any other rating valuation provider. In the previous financial year, it was responsible for valuing 2.4 million properties, worth approximately $2.9 trillion, across Aotearoa and in NSW, Australia.
“We currently maintain a low objection rate of 1-1.5% across NZ, which is something we’re extremely proud of. It’s a testament to the very high levels of trust people have in our work,” Mr Nagel added.
QV has a long history of innovation in the rating valuation space — from being the first business to launch an online objection portal back in 2011, to crowd-sourcing data from homeowners for the first time in 2015 via our website.
The business also continues to develop new tools and services for consumers, with exciting advancements in cloud technology enabling it to provide real-time property valuations via QV.co.nz as well as a much deeper level of property insights than ever before.
Find out more about the rating revaluation and objection process.